Thank You Superhero Kelly Gumpright!

We would like to acknowledge #cynergysuperhero Kelly Gumpright!

Kelly has been a nurse for 10 years and currently works at MGH in the Emergency Room.

She and her husband have been together 16 years and married for 5 (in November). They have a beautiful, almost 2 year old daughter, Ripley and 2 year old pup Keira.

Kelly’s message to the community is simple:

Stay focused and remember your basics. With the warm weather upon us, it’s hard to remember what’s still important. I’ve even found myself “bending” my own rules but you must stay focused. Remember to keep your distance from others, only go out for essentials, wear your mask in public, stay home if you’re sick and keeping washing those hands.

And one last bit…

All the support hasn’t gone unnoticed. My drive to work is filled with beautiful messages on neighbor’s front doors and yards. At work there are hundreds of acts of kindness around us. As wonderful as this support is, I ask you spread it to those who may not appear in need. Call those grandparents, FaceTime those nieces and nephews, send packages for birthdays, retirements, and graduations. Keep donating, keep loving and keep spreading kindness. It could just be exactly what someone needed. Stay positive, stay strong.