Congratulations to Colleen Florence on a remarkable transformation! She came to us determined and focused and ready to make a change after the birth of her second daughter. Her commitment to making this work shows not only in her appearance but in her confidence! Congratulations Colleen!! So proud of you!
Colleen Florence Physical Changes
- 18# pounds lost
- Waist – 5.5 inches lost
- Hips – 4 inches lost
- Chest – 3.5 inches lost
Colleen Florence Success Story with The Cynergistic Life 12 Week Personalized Nutrition Program
What was your expectation prior to starting the The Cynergistic Life Fitness, Mindset & Personalized Nutrition Program?
I had high expectations because I saw so many people, of all walks of life, of all shapes and sizes succeed with this program. I wanted to look back after 12 weeks and say “I did it. I succeeded too”. Two babies later, being in my 30s I wanted to feel confident in my own skin again; being a positive healthy example for my daughters.
Did we meet your expectations?
Yes. I believe I “succeeded”! I wanted to lose “the baby weight”. I had gained 40lbs with my second child. Before starting the program I had already lost a little over half the weight (the baby, the extra fluid, etc) the remainder was the bread, the pasta, the ice cream that I very much enjoyed while pregnant because well… I was pregnant and I gave the baby what the baby wanted. The weight has now been lost! I have happily pranced around in a two piece bikini 3 months post partem and not embarrassed or ashamed of my body.
What are some of the most powerful lessons you are walking away with?
EAT!!!! To lose weight, to lose inches you need to EAT! I truly have never eaten so much in my life!!! AND ITS AWESOME! It’s truly about feeding the machine. Of course going to the gym helps but with a busy schedule of 2 under 2, being a wife, being an emergency room nurse, it being summer sometimes the gym just couldn’t happen….it was so satisfying week to week continuing to lose inches, continuing to feel better, feel confident with maybe only getting to the gym 2x that week.
I learned to really appreciate food and what it can do to your body and mind. When you eat well, ideally you will feel well. When you eat crap or not eat you’ll most likely feel like crap! BUT when I wanted crap I ate it, enjoyed it, accepted it and the next day got my numbers back on track!
The scale is just a number! Thank god for measurements some weeks and for Cindy saying its just a tool, don’t fixate on the number. It would kill me some weeks when my weight would go up esp when I didn’t cheat but thank god for measurements and photos! Yes take the photos!!! You might not like them in the beginning but man is it amazing to see the changes.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Committing to this program only one month post partem and feeling as though I succeeded was my greatest accomplishment! Many people said it would be hard, that it would be a lot to take on esp with a newborn. That alone honestly made me want to do it more (stubborn chick right here). I personally didn’t want to be that person saying “I’m still trying to lose the baby weight and my baby is in high school.”
I need to give some credit to my husband, Casey. He knew I wanted to take this seriously and supported me the whole way. Weekly, he’d grill pounds of chicken for me to prep for the week, he’d take my crazy grocery list and get all my frozen veggies or 3 dozen eggs oh and don’t forget my guacamole!!! He daily said how great I was doing and how proud he was of me. Casey loved me pregnant, loved me 40lbs heavier, and loves me now…I’m a lucky girl! Also thank you to Steph for helping me in my first weeks figuring out MFP and listening to me complain about food or my numbers and Stacey for giving me food ideas, listening to me complain about charting my numbers, and being my gym buddy, keeping me on track and making me get up even when my bed was so comfy!