Spotlight Athlete – Patty McGaffigan

Congratulations Patty, January’s Spotlight Athlete!
If we could pick one word to describe Patty, it would be determined.  She is committed to learning new things and is always working on a new a skill.  She has an open mind and a willing attitude.  Patty is also committed to her nutrition journey and her determination to succeed shows.  No doubt Patty is going to achieve all of her fitness and wellness goals.  Patty is also a great person to do partner WOD’s with.  Congratulations, Patty!
1) What do you do for work?
I work in the science department at Cambridge Public Schools.  I taught grades 7 and 8 science for twenty+ years.  Now I work with other teachers as they figure out curriculum and lessons.
2) What would you like us to know about you and your family.
I’m a married mom of two.  My daughter Lizzie is 22 and living/working in Colorado.  Matt is 23 and you have likely seen him at CCF.  And Dianne is my sister.
3) How long have you been crossfitting?
A little over a year.
4) What time do you typically train?
Summer: 6:00 am
School Days: ALF or 5:15 pm
5) What is your favorite lift and why?
I’ve never thought about this.  They are all equally challenging for me.
6) What is your favorite wod and why?
I like just about any ALF workout.  I like the longer format and variety of movements (except the bike) .
7) What are your current life goals?
Yikes! This is so deep. 
At this point my goals are to enjoy my family, friends, and work while remaining healthy and peaceful.
8) What is your most memorable time as a cross fitter?
Probably being able to do a hand stand hold.  That took some time.
9) Has Cynergy CrossFit impacted your life outside the box?
I think I am more willing to try things now that I would have shied away from before, like the Fenway Spartan.
10) Any additional comments
Thank you to Cindy and all the coaches for their continued support and instruction, and to the many members who are so freaking strong and inspirational.
  Patty’s WOD
For time:
400m Run
followed by:
5 Rounds of
10 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Alt. DB Snatches
then completed by
400m RunTC 20