Spotlight Athlete – Brittney Miranda

Brittney has just celebrated her 1 year anniversary and has been a great addition to the community.  She can be found at the 9am class and is always smiling with a positive, contagious attitude.  She is extremely coachable and always ready to perfect a movement or learn something new .  Congratulations Brittney!

What do you do for work? 

I’m a Respiratory Therapist and ECMO specialist at Mass General Hospital in Boston. 

What would you like us to know about you and your family? 

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and have 2 dogs, a chocolate lab (Pudge), a silver lab (Adeline) and a cat (Luna). 

What is one thing that we may not know about you.

I love traveling and visiting all 50 states is on my bucket list.

How long have you been CrossFitting?

1 year. 

What time do you typically train? 


What is your favorite lift and why?

Deadlifts are definitely a favorite because they make me feel strong but power cleans are a close second!

What is your favorite WOD and why? 

I would have to say Linda because it has all my favorite lifts and really pushes you. 

What are your current life goals?

Continue to excel in my career, travel as much as possible…ohh and be able to do a pull up!!

What is your most memorable time as a CrossFitter?

I feel like I’ve had so many memorable times since starting CrossFit but finally being able to do a handstand push up is on the top of the list because I’ve always struggled with just regular push ups.

How has CF impacted your life outside of the box?

Crossfit has made me feel stronger physically and mentally. It gives me more confidence every time I hit a PR or am able to do workouts I previously couldn’t. 

How would you best describe Cynergy to others?

Cynergy is such a welcoming gym where they treat you more like a family member/friend than just a client. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive! 

Please create your own WOD:

For Time:


Deadlift (95/65)

Calorie Row
