We have some updates and information to share with you so grab a beverage of choice and get caught up!
First off, Cynergy CrossFit turns 13 years old this month! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us!
Secondly, a HUGE thank you for your continued patience, support and adherence to keeping Cynergy moving forward in a safe way. This community has been amazing in rolling with the changes we’ve been faced with and I truly appreciate it!
Schedule Changes
Here is a snapshot of the new schedule which will start September 8th — with the exception of the Kids (5-10) class which begins September 10th.
NOTE: Labor Day’s classes will be 8AM and 12 Noon (Open Gym)
- We have added in a 5AM class Monday through Friday and therefore had to adjust the times of the morning classes in order to comply with the CDC guidelines.
- Please note time changes: 6:15, 7:30 and 9:15 for the AM classes.
- Our Open Gym times have changed to 10AM on Tuesdays and Fridays.
- The Cynergy Kids (ages 5-10) class resumes on September 10th and is offered 1 or 2 days a week 4 PM on Monday and 6:30 PM on Thursday. Spaces filling up, sign up soon!
- The 3 PM and 4 PM time slots will be used for the Youth Sports programs and are currently sold out.
- We will continue to monitor attendance and make adjustments if needed.
Additional Info:
In-House Comp — We will be getting more information out to you all about this later this month, but keep an eye out for a fun in-house team challenge!
Cynergy Nutrition Challenge — Starting on Labor Day we will be running a 4-week Cynergy Nutrition 800(g) Challenge. Contact Di Shanahan to register and you will receive a link to the private track on SugarWOD to participate. Dianne@CynergyCrossFit.com. Cost $25. A great way to reset after the summer! Please be sure to attend our informational meeting on Saturday, Sept 5th at 9AM. Otherwise, look for more information on Facebook, Instagram and email.
Virtual Boot Camp — Big THANKS to Coach Jen and Coach Caroline for supporting our virtual boot camp members on Zoom for the past 5 months! You have done an amazing job keeping them engaged and in shape!
We will continue to support anyone who is unable to make it into the box with online programming. The virtual program will continue to run in 4-week sessions and consist of 7 days of programming with a full-length follow along video complete with instruction, modifications and scaling if needed. This will be run through the SugarWOD app via video and is not a Zoom class. The WODs will be delivered each night at 6PM for the following day and may be completed at any time that works for you. This is open to ANYONE and all you need is a pair of DB’s and a jump rope! SIGN UP TODAY!
Current members, contact me to sign up and we will get you started! Cynthia@CynergyCrossFit.com
If you know someone who may be interested in Virtual Boot Camp, please ask them to visit the Programs page on our website for more information.
Cynergy Kids & Youth Classes — All classes are co-ed and capped at 10 spaces. Athletes from the same household may share a square.
Starting on Sept 10th:
Young Kids: Ages 5-10 (1st-4th grade)
Monday 4:00PM-4:45PM and
Thursday 6:30PM-7:15PM
*We currently have a few spots left for this class
Starting September 8th:
Tweens: Ages 10-12 (5th-6th grade)
Monday & Wednesday 3:00-3:45PM (SOLD OUT)
Wednesday & Friday 4:00-4:45PM (SOLD OUT)
Middle School/Teens: Ages 12-14 (7th-9th)
Tuesday 3:00-3:45PM, 4:00-4:45PM (SOLD OUT)
Thursday 3:00-3:45PM, 4:00-4:45PM (SOLD OUT)
$100 for 2 days
4 week sessions
WAIT LIST: If you would like to be added to a Wait List for any of the Sold Out classes, please contact cynthia@cynergycrossfit.com.
Scholarship Program — We are very excited to announce the Cynergy Scholarship program to help support those who may not be able to afford a membership. We have had several people offer to support this fund and we are looking forward to being able to share our classes with those who could use some help. If you know of someone who could benefit let us know. Also, if you are interested in contributing to the scholarship fund, please contact me @ cynthia@cynergycrossfit.com. I greatly appreciate your generosity.
Thank you!
Well, that’s it for now! Thanks for reading and let’s have a great September!