“I know how confusing it can be to wade through all the conflicting nutrition info out there. Are eggs bad? No. Will red meat kill you? No. Let me bottom line it for you: everyone is physiologically different. One food can work wonders in one body but have a detrimental effect in another. This could be due to food allergies or compromised digestion or metabolic type (some of us just have a greater need for protein than others). If your immune system reacts against the protein in eggs, it will cause inflammation in your body which can lead to a host of health issues on down the line. But if you’re fine with eggs, the beneficial choline and omega 3 fatty acids will do your body good. So. Is dairy bad? Well…. sometimes?
Good quote from awesome book, It Starts with Food: Cow’s milk is the perfect food… if you are a calf. They go on to say that milk is an energy-dense hormone-delivery system, a blend of bioactive substances that promote growth. Since most of us want to grow smaller, not larger, milk really may not be nature’s perfect food. We’re also the only mammals who continue to drink milk into adulthood. Why do we need it? We can get everything it provides (yes, even calcium) from other sources. At worst, today’s milk contains pus, growth hormones/steroids, antibiotics and other toxins.” http://primaldocs.com/opinion/is-dairy-bad/
This article really hit home with me this week. Dairy, which was once a huge part of my daily diet, has not been a part of my life for just about 4 years. Other than an occasional (twice) slice of pizza in the last 2.5 years, dairy is non-existent
A week or so ago I added BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids) as a supplement to aid in muscle growth, fat loss and improved strength. I started taking the same one Cindy had success with (from Good Health that was 100% pure amino acids) post wod only for a couple days. The first few days my stomach was a little off. I attributed that to a change in my daily routine. Day 5, I added another dose pre-wod as well as post-wod.
After a day of belching, heartburn, bloating and feeling like I haven’t felt in years, wondering what was happening to me I checked the label closely and found “contains milk”. Those two little words was enough to cause my belly to look like this.
It made me realize that this is how I lived day to day before I started eating paleo. Uncomfortable all the time, constantly dieting but never losing weight. I knew in the first months of paleo that something about it was magical for me. Weight just started dropping off. I thought then it was the dairy. Now it has been confirmed!
Do you struggle with weight loss? Do you suffer from bloating? Try eliminating dairy for 30 days or more and see if your life improves.