Cynergy L.I.V.E. (Longevity. Independence. Vitality. Engagement)
I have always been a believer in following one’s passion, even if it doesn’t make intellectual sense or is not “popular”. I know that if it feels right to me I am in alignment with who I am and that is all I need to know. It has never steered me wrong.
I have been inspired by working with one of our members’ 87 year old mother. She was getting older and less mobile and had a few fears… one of them being placed in a nursing home. And, she is not ready for that!
I showed her a few exercises that she could do at home that would help her build up some strength, flexibility and balance. She’s been working with her kids who have wholeheartedly supported her training. What it gives her is a new found confidence, a purpose to get up and get it done and a sense of freedom and independence that is extremely important to her.
I am always proud of the work I see our athletes produce, especially when they do not believe it is possible, but to witness someone experience hope and a desire to improve their lives is a feeling I will never tire of.
This determined woman inspired me to work with others like her. Athletes (I call everyone an athlete) who have the desire to continue to thrive and need a plan that supports that goal. These athletes are used to taking care of themselves and do not wish to just shrivel up and deteriorate as they age.
Cynergy L.I.V.E. was born from that understanding that there are others like her that just need the guidance and the opportunity to regain their health, strength and vitality. Just because they are older, does not mean they are done!
Working with this group for past 2 months has brought me a tremendous sense of joy.
Cynergy members Deb Pierce and Marty Bosworth are helping coach these athletes, and they are the perfect fit. Their compassion, strong desire to help, sense of humor, and empathy are genuine and heartfelt.
The feedback from the athletes has been the most rewarding. To see them excited to be here, cheer each other on, do things they did not think possible, feel better, stand taller and really feel good about themselves lights me up! One of the athletes told her family, “this is Nana’s time” and was proud to prove to her husband that she was more than capable to do CrossFit.
This experience has become more than I ever expected. These athletes are doing the same movements as the rest of our athletes and when I see them tackle wall balls, deadlifts and burpees, it brings me as much pride as it does them. The efforts they put in and the satisfaction of a job well done is all over their faces. Truly one of the best things to witness as a coach.
They have found a place where they belong and can become all that they are capable of and I could not be more excited to be a part of their journey!
Open House — Sunday, June 9 from 9 to 10AM
Come in and join us for an informative and interactive training session Sunday, June 9th from 9-10 AM.
Meet the coaches, talk to the athletes and find out more about how Cynergy LIVE can benefit you and your quality of life!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Cynthia Brown