Very excited to honor Coach Marty Bosworth and acknowledge him for what he brings to Cynergy and our members. Marty is always the first to step up and help, whether it be for an athlete or for anything that needs “fixing” in the box! He truly is an invaluable member of our community and our coaching staff. We thank you Marty for all of the support and your knowledge and your love for what you do…it shows! Here’s to you and your continued growth as a coach and an athlete. Thank YOU!
What brought you to Cynergy?
I worked on the Halifax Fire Department with a former Cynergy member and coach. He kept bugging me about giving Crossfit a try. I stopped in once and talked to Cindy, but immediately after I became pretty sick and just didn’t feel well enough to try working out for months. It turned out I had a couple of chronic issues that would never fully resolve. It was pretty discouraging. I started to research my illnesses and discovered exercise was one of the best ways to minimize my symptoms. Eight years later…..
How long have you been a CrossFitter and Coach?
I’ve been crossfitting for 8 years. Cindy asked me to help with the LIVE program along with Deb and I was
hooked! I had been a fire department training officer for decades and realized I really missed teaching and helping others improve. I knew I needed more education to get better at coaching and took the level 1 course in December of 2020. After taking the course I had back surgery and had to delay coaching until December of
What is your athletic background look like?
I was never a team sports guy. I went to the Y for years using the circuit machines but doing the same thing over and over , it was so boring! One of the reasons I love Crossfit is the constant variety and new skills. Every day is different. My one athletic obsession is windsurfing. I was introduced to it about 30 years ago and have been hooked ever since. Windsurfing is a rigorous sport, and I find CrossFit keeps me on the water longer and sailing better as I get older.
What would you say is the best part of being a CrossFit Coach?
Watching and being a part of an athlete’s progress no matter their age or skill level. If you can give a pointer or word of advise that results in visible improvement for an athlete, that’s a great feeling for you both!
What advice would you give to a new athlete?
DON’T GET DISCOURAGED!!! This stuff is hard! Pick weights and movements that can get you through a WOD
successfully. If you choose a weight that is too heavy, a lift that you’re not yet skilled at, or a gymnastic move that you can’t do proficiently you’re setting yourself up for failure and possible injuy. Dial it back a little, complete the workout, feel good about what you accomplished and live to fight another day. The PRs will come in due time.
And, a veteran athlete?
Keep working to improve. Use the knowledge and skills you have learned to help the new athlete. Walking into a Box as a new athlete can be very intimidating. A friendly smile and hello, a word of encouragement or a
helpful hint about something that a new athlete is struggling with means a lot!
What are your current goals as a Coach?
I want to take additional courses to improve my knowledge and coaching skills. In particular the Olympic lifts and
coaching Masters/Adaptive athletes.
And, as an athlete?
Staying healthy LOL! It’s been a bumpy road with multiple injuries (most NOT CrossFit related!), illness and surgery, but I’m too stubborn to quit! I think about where I was when I started here and where I am now, and I’m
happy with my progress. NEVER GIVE UP!
How would you describe the Cynergy Community?
It’s a great fitness family. I look forward to seeing everyone here, especially the 7 a.m. “crew” and the LIVE athletes.
What are some of your favorite or most memorable moments as a Coach?
Coaching my first ALF class while Coach Mark was out last December. In addition to it being a pretty crowded class I wrote the WOD which everyone seemed to enjoy. I got some nice positive feedback. Coaching the Grinch Games was intimidating for a “new guy”, but I got through it and made all the moving parts work. I also like coaching and programming the LIVE class. They are all so much fun to be around. They work really hard but have lots of fun doing it!
Marty’s Wod:
250/200m Row
8 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
4 Push Press
1 Rope Climb
*Barbell is 40% Bodyweight