The second sentence of this article really hit home with me today. That is the year I graduated from high school weighing over 200 pounds. For the next 32 years, I dieted according to what “they” advocated, with no success. I was always hungry, grumpy, tired, angry that despite constantly starving myself by “eating healthy” and doing excessive hours of cardio my …
Diet vs. Lifestyle
The challenge ends tomorrow. What does that mean to you? In “dieting” you count down the days. In a lifestyle shift, you commit to a learning curve. “We diet, we end the diet, we go back on the diet because either it didn’t work the first time or it did but then we fell right back down the same hole …
Fat does not make you fat
Why should we have more fats in our diet? Good fats boost energy levels, balance our hormones, increase fertility, help maintain a good mood, stave off depression, keep our skin glowing, and reduce the risk of having a stroke! Generally speaking, healthy high fat diets help maintain optimal health & well-being. The “Standard American Diet” which is based on processed …
Today was the end of 5 days of travelling – part vacation part business for me. Visited Lake Place, Lake George and Saratoga Springs Eating clean while travelling, especially while living in a hotel, can be tricky but it can be done with some preparation before leaving the house and special ordering off the menu. Even in a German Restaurant …
Everything in Moderation – Does it work?
The next challenge starts 2 weeks from today – September 1. Are you ready? Do you know how certain foods affect you? Sugar? How addicted are you? Grains? Suffering from brain fog, confusion, poor memory or irritability? How about more serious disease like cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis or Alzheimer’s? All of these and more are linked with leaky gut syndrome. Dairy? …
Health is much more than just pounds lost
Don’t wait until you are forced to make a change. Make it now while it is your choice. Sign up for the September 1 Challenge today. There will be plenty of encouragement and motivation provided. E-mail to register. Note: There was a problem with e-mails earlier this week. If you e-mailed me and I haven’t responded to you, please …
Reading Labels
In general, the foods recommended for healthy eating have no need for labels to list ingredients. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. There are some foods that are acceptable that do have labels and this is where you need to be extra careful when shopping. Foods without a label or with the least amount of ingredients are your best choice. Avoid foods with …
It’s Never Too Late
“Have you ever spent any time looking around in a retirement home? Have you watched the seniors shuffling along (the lucky ones) or hobbling along (many of them) or being wheeled along? Some of them have come by their disability honestly. But many of them just gradually let themselves go — go down the path to decrepitude. Saying, along the …
Are you living life on the sidelines?
I was planning to bring handouts to the meeting but unfortunately my Xerox is dead today and I have to wait for a part to be delivered before it can be fixed. Following are links of what will be discussed at the meeting. All this information is on Print out your own copies if you prefer hard copies! …
Choice vs. Cheat
I had a discussion with a client this morning. She told me she “cheated” last night and felt bad about it – and she didn’t even enjoy what she was eating. She was eating mindlessly. After talking about it, we came to the conclusion it was her choice at that moment to eat that particular food. Did it ruin her …