This challenge is designed to make you aware of the amount of protein you eat on a daily basis. At a minimum you should be eating 1 gram of protein equal to your lean body mass. If you are training hard or looking to get stronger, you should be eating 1 gram of protein equal to your total body weight.
To find your lean body mass, you need to know your body weight and body fat %. Lean body mass = body weight – (body weight x body fat). For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and your body fat is 20%, your lean body mass is 150 – 150×20% (30) = 120. You should be eating a minimum of 120 grams of protein each day. For strength and lean body mass gains, you should be eating 150 grams of protein each day.
What you need to do:
Log the amount of protein you eat at every meal for at least 3 of the next 5 days. Send the log to me on Monday October 1. Earn 10 points and the chance to win a Whole Foods Gift Certificate. Winner will be randomly drawn from those who send me their log by Oct 1.
For each day you eat the appropriate amount of protein, (minimum 1 gram per lean body mass, maximum 1 gram per total body weight), you will earn 3 points per day.
This chart should help you:
Shortcut: An ounce of meat or fish has approximately 7 grams of protein.
3-4 ounces = approximately the size of the palm of your hand.
- Hamburger patty, 4 oz – 28 grams protein
- Steak, 6 oz – 42 grams
- Most cuts of beef – 7 grams of protein per ounce
- Chicken breast, 3.5 oz – 30 grams protein
- Chicken thigh – 10 grams (for average size)
- Drumstick – 11 grams
- Wing – 6 grams
- Most fish fillets or steaks are about 22 grams of protein for 3 ½ oz (100 grams) of cooked fish, or 6 grams per ounce
- Tuna, 6 oz can – 40 grams of protein
- Pork chop, average – 22 grams protein
- Pork loin or tenderloin, 4 oz – 29 grams
- Ham, 3 oz serving – 19 grams
- Ground pork, 1 oz raw – 5 grams; 3 oz cooked – 22 grams
- Bacon, 1 slice – 3 grams
- Canadian-style bacon (back bacon), slice – 5 – 6 grams
Egg, large – 6 grams protein
To see the best possible performance and body composition, the power athlete should eat at least 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight per day. Read the full article: